
If you are a full time resident from a previous Episcopal Church: A “letter of transfer” is requested from your previous parish.  This is a form which contains your contact information and informs your previous parish of your intent to join a new parish.

If you are a part-time resident,  (6-9 months in Highlands):  A meeting with the rector will get you on the right track.  Typically part-time residence keep their “letter” at its present location.  However, we allow part-time residents to vote for elections of the vestry and important issues at the annual meeting (see member in good standing).

If you are a member of another denomination: Prior to our bishop’s visit to Incarnation, there will be a series of Inquirer’s Classes led by the rector to give you information about the Episcopal Church.  At the Bishop’s visitation, he will confirm or receive you into the church.

If you are not baptized: You may be baptized here at Incarnation in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, usually as part of a Sunday service.

A Member in Good Standing: This category of membership refers to your eligibility to vote for vestry members and important issues at the Annual Parish Meeting.  A pledge card stating your financial support for the yearly operating budget is all that is needed.  To be a member “in good standing” we must receive a pledge and you must participate in worship service at least three times in the past six months.  The amount of your pledge is between you and God and should be prayerfully considered.

Please email incarnation@incarnationwnc.org for more information.