Holy Eucharist Rite II

Chapel , United States

Please join us in the chapel for our Maundy Thursday liturgy and the stripping of the altar.

Good Friday

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 520 Main Street, Highlands, NC, United States

Stations of the Cross – Ecumenical Procession

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 520 Main Street, Highlands, NC, United States

The Stations of the Cross begins in the parking lot of Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church, and will end in the Incarnation garden.

Liturgy for Good Friday

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 520 Main Street, Highlands, NC, United States

The liturgy will be held immediately following the Stations of the Cross Procession. All are welcome.

Great Vigil of Easter

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 520 Main Street, Highlands, NC, United States

The First Service of Easter

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 520 Main Street, Highlands, NC, United States

Join us in the Chapel for this first service of Easter. A reception will follow in Jones Hall.

Easter Sunday

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 520 Main Street, Highlands, NC, United States

Sunrise Service

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 520 Main Street, Highlands, NC, United States

Join us in Kelsey-Hutchinson Park for this ecumenical Easter service. In case of rain, the service will be held in the Incarnation chapel.

Worship Service

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 520 Main Street, Highlands, NC, United States

Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Nave.

Easter Egg Hunt

Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 520 Main Street, Highlands, NC, United States

We will have an Easter Egg hunt on the playground following the 9:00 service. In case of rain, the hunt will take place inside. All children are welcome!